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After getting my first passport in 2006 and traveling to climb Kilimanjaro in Tanzania my life changed. I began the process of getting rid of all my possessions and traveling the world. Traveling to over 125 countries and all 7 continents, hostels have been my home. This "new life" has taught me what is important and it was NOT accumulating money or possessions. Traveling is the best education. I hope my blog will encourage others to travel. My World Tattoo was a way for me to express my PASSION FOR TRAVEL.

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SWEDEN, Stockholm, Vasa Museum and cruise departure

September 1, 2013

My cruise ship leaves at 6 pm so I decided to go to the Vasa Museum and see the world's best preserved 17th century naval ship.  The ship was incredible and well preserved even though the exterior no longer has its vibrant color. After a few hours here I walked the 45 minutes to the cruise port and checked in. Unfortunately 2 hrs before boarding, but I am a "get there" early kinda guy. Note: Also bought double cheeseburgers at McDonalds for dinner on the ship instead of paying $20-25 for dinner on the ship. A pattern that would occur on a daily basis. Saved at least $50 by doing this which is 10 nights in a private room in San Pedro, Guatemala.  Perspective.

SWEDEN, Stockholm, Gamla Stan

August 30, 2013

Sweden is built on 14 islands and Gamla Stan is the oldest (13th century) and most beautiful. My hostel is located right in middle of Gamla Stan near the Royal Palace.

SWEDEN, Stockholm, The Royal Palace

The Royal Palace has 608 rooms making it the largest royal palace in the world. I toured it today but unfortunately they do not allow photos.


RWANDA, Kigali

Kigali, Rwanda

March 10, 2013

After a brief overnight stay in Gensenyi where I found out of Brad's passing, I quickly moved on to Kigali from where my flight back to Johannesburg would depart on the 20th. I checked into the DiscoverRwanda Youth Hostel which was really nice. It is owned by a non-profit company and the proceeds go to the Rwanda Genocide Foundation. The next day I went to downtown Kigali on a moto taxi and went to the South Africa Airways office to see if I could change the departure date. They said a fee was involved and on many international flights, which this was, the fee is $250 which I could not afford to pay. She told me she could change the flight to the 13th for $44 US dollars. I said book it. Give me more time in Mozambique and really not much else to do in Rwanda but see Gorillas and I did that cheaper in Uganda.


Sad Day and didn't know it.

March 7, 2013

Woke up at 4 am which a strange feeling that something was wrong with someone in my family. Could not shake the feeling and was unable to go back to sleep. Having no internet for the past week was nice but also a little worrisome not being able to make sure everyone was okay. My only travel fear is being gone when needed at home.

I told Seith at breakfast that I needed to leave a couple of days early as I needed to check on my family. He said he could get me transport to Gensenyi, Rwanda on Saturday, 2 days from now. With that my only option, I told him to arrange it.

I would not find out until I arrived in Gensenyi upon going straight to the Internet Cafe that one of my best friends in the world and 1st couisin, Brad Passman, had died early on the morning of the 7th. He will be greatly missed  by all who knew him. Love you Brad, rest in peace.